Membership Card
Effectively managing monthly expense and usage of gasoline is the main focus of Tela Membership service offer. Business owners can manage the usage of each transportation individually and can be customized according to their preferences.
If you and your company want to open membership card account with Kampuchea TELA, please contact our team:
Tell: (855-17/86) 397 397
Address: #C168, Russian Federation Blvd, Phum CPC, Sangkat Teok Thla, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh.
Required Document: Only a Patent is Needed.

What are TELA Membership Card Advantages?
Being one of the leading companies, Kampuchea TELA always stays on the front line to deliver the best possible service for our customers and our partners. Our Partnership Card is the latest installment in our service. By partnering with us, business owner will receive a lot of benefits such as:
- It’s real time management. Business owners can instantly review the card transaction the same time as the transaction happens.
- Flexible price which is updated according to the current market price discounted according to the agreed rate.
- Customize the card according to their preferences such as daily or monthly maximum amount of gasoline or dollar per card, selected location or time etc.
- The payment cycle is T+7 which means that partners can advance cash up to a maximum of 38 days with any collateral.