Kampuchea Tela is committed to promoting road safety to our customers, our staff and the public throughout Cambodia. Traffic accidents are the number one reason for deaths in Cambodia and as there are now more and more cars on the roads and as the conditions of the roads themselves are improving, faster speeds are now possible. This all means that the chances of a crash are getting higher. Road safety is very important and all drivers should be aware that the way they drive and the decisions they take will affect themselves, their passengers and anyone else on the road nearby.

If you follow these basic tips then you have a much better chance of staying safe on the roads.
1- Wear a helmet.
If you are riding a motorbike then wear a helmet! The fact is, wearing one could lower your chances of serious head injury be around 80%. Injuries to the head are one of the main causes of death for moto drivers, their passengers as well as cyclists. Trying to save your hairstyle is not a very good excuse not to protect your brain and have a helmet strapped on at all times while on a motorcycle or bicycle.
2- Do not drink and drive.
Research shows that more than 30 per cent of accidents involves a driver who was drunk at the time. A lot of deaths occur during holiday periods as a result of people who have been celebrating with alcohol and then decided to take to the road. If you have been drinking then think again before you get behind the wheel of a car. Other options are available like taking a taxi or tuk-tuk or staying overnight. Plan ahead for celebrations, perhaps one person in your group could choose not to drink and they will be able to drive the car safely at the end of the night.
3- Don’t Text while driving.
Texting while driving has become the number one cause of crashes from distractions. In fact, you are 23 times more likely to crash while you are using your phone while driving. You could consider finding a safe place to stop and pull over for a moment if you need to send an urgent message while on the road.
4- Drive at a sensible speed.
Some drivers get into the habit of driving far to fast. This is dangerous, particularly on national highways where local rural people may be crossing the road or on bicycles. The danger of speeding includes other people but in the case of a speeding car driver also the driver and passengers inside the car is at risk as safety features like seat belts and airbags will not work as effectively if the crash is at high speeds.
5- Wear a seatbelt.
For car passengers and drivers alike, wearing a seatbelt is really important. In a crash, it could prevent you from flying straight out through the windscreen and if your car turns over then it will prevent you from rolling around the car. If you have an airbag installed do not rely on this alone as without a seatbelt to hold you in the right position the airbag might not be able to offer much protection at all.